Holding traffic, every day on 126th St & 36th Ave. "Greetings from Ecuador", he's drunk, he thinks we're in Ecuador.
NYPD came over, instead of talking or writing a summon to these traffic holders; the officers wrote a summon to a poor lady selling coffee, she was perfectly parked on 36th Ave. 9/14/2024 12:30 pm. She didn't have license to sell?, well, then yes, she deserves that summon.
Officers! What about these traffic holders? No summons for them!
Pullers-in almost causing accidents. Everyday thing, they are distracting drivers, every single day.
NYPD ignoring situation on 126th St (Seaver Way) between 35th & 36th Ave.
It's unlawful to solicit service or sell on street or sidewalk. Es ilegal solicitar servicio o vender en la calle o vereda.
It's unlawful to cause any form of holding traffic by gestures or word of mouth. Es ilegal causar detención en el flujo de trafico haciendo gestos o hablando.
The crime of Solicitation consists of facilitating, commanding, encouraging, promoting, recruiting, counseling, inducing, or urging another person to commit a crime.
New York Penal Law § 115: Criminal facilitation. Were you pulled from street or sidewalk?, you may be liable for a crime. It's the Law. Usted fue jalado de la calle o vereda?, usted tambien puede enfrentar cargos criminales. Es la Ley.